Let me first thank you for your interest in our church’s website. I hope this means that you have a desire for spiritual
things and secondly, an interest in our church family.
I began my tenure here at First Baptist in August of 2004. Before that, I pastored the First Baptist Church of Whitesboro,
Texas for almost 12 years. Prior to Whitesboro, my wife and I served churches in Missouri and in central Texas.
My wife, Pam and I have been happily married since 1981. God has profoundly blessed us with two children: Kristin, born
August 18, 1985 and Ryan, born January 27, 1991.
My educational journey went something like this: Hardin-Simmons University—Bachelor of Behavioral Science (1982);
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary—Master of Divinity (1989); Luther Rice Seminary—Doctor of Ministry (1992).
I came to know Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord during my Freshman year in college. There, I roomed with a Christian.
While going through a difficult time in my life, this roomate encouraged me to read my Bible. This I did every night before
going to sleep. It was through the truth and conviction of God’s Word that I knelt one night and prayed, "Jesus,
if You are real, I know that I need You. Please come into my life and give me a purpose for living." HE DID! HE REALLY
DID! I had never known such peace. I had never felt such joy. My life was instantly and dramatically changed.
However, my testimony would not be complete without a reference to January of 1997. This was the time that our home burned
down. We were living in the church parsonage. An investigation showed faulty wiring. We literally lost everything. This story
is too long to tell in this context, but what God did in my life during those days is too glorious to omit. Suffice it to
say, during that time, God introduced me to "Spirit-filled freedom." God used that event in my life to heal me inwardly.
It was a blessed freedom that envelopes me to this day.
I would have to say now that my ultimate ministry goal is to help people encounter this Holy, Blessed, Loving God of the
Bible. I know that experiencing Him in a personal way creates a hunger for more of His blessing and a thirst for His Presence.
One of the saddest statistics I have ever read records that the majority of non-attending people stay away from church
because it is "too boring." It seems that when God’s people discover the Spirit-filled life and begin to live
out that life loving God and each other, the church literally comes to life. THAT church is not boring.
With all my heart I love the Lord Jesus. But I know that, "We love Him because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19). And out
of His love for me, I am deeply in love with my wife and count my children as God’s greatest blessings in my life.
I also love the people of FBC Pampa. No, we are not perfect—not any of us, but we are a family in process. We are
growing in grace. We are maturing in spirit. We are Kingdom people whose lives have been forever changed by the Father’s
gift of His Son.
If ever possible, come join us in worship. Come and experience the joy we feel when we are together in God’s presence.